Saturday, February 21, 2015

The confessions of a certified Book nerd ...

Howdy good followers of my page; here I am again with another crazy book nut confess. I will have to admit that all future post under this title will dare to be funny, flirty and perhaps a little bit dirty. Well as  dirty as one can dare to be on the topic of books. Well as the title says this is the second book nerd confessional and this time I am conquering the vast subject of reading habits. I know that we all have them; some that will we cop to and others that we won't. Well in this post I am going to be as honest and forward as possible. Well here goes nothing. 

1) Gummy bears: okay this one is pretty harmless. Well almost, whenever I know that I am going to have a long evening of reading I have to get myself some Haribo gummy bears. This is the only kind I will eat and I usually get more than one bag. (I have even got the one pound bag before). 
2) Wine: Depending on the book genre or author I noticed that I like to have a glass of wine. If I am reading Jane Austen I prefer a white wine. Such as a pinot gris or dry riseling. When I am reading Edgar Allan Poe or something mysterious I prefer a nice red wine. During these occassions I like a lovely pinot noir but will splurge on my favorite red; which is Crush by Dreaming Tree wines.
3) Clothing: When I read I have to be super duper comfy...this means my Hogwarts tee, lounge pants and cozy socks and my hair ALWAYS has to be out of my face. 
4) My reading space: I have to have a ton of blankets and at least two pillows to prop my book up. Also any and all book I am reading that evening have to be placed on the rightside of my bed. This means I fall asleep with at least two books and my iPad on my bed.
5) I always have my book journal or iPad available so that I can record quotes and my first impressions of what I am reading. On my iPad I use a free app called Evernote.
6) Calendar: I use a calendar to track my reading. I try to spend at least two weeks reading a book. If I know that a particualr book will take me a longer time to read I account for that and make sure not to read to many books while reading that one. For instance; in March I will be starting A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness; from what I have heard this book is not exactly "light" reading material so I will take a full month to read it. Also I will only read two other books that month; instead of my usual attempt of four a month.

And there is my confession and while I was writing it all I kept thinking was maybe I am odder than I thought and perhaps I have a touch of OCD! Let me know your quirky reading habits in the comments below or on  facebook at\thebookbabeofde.

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