Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Banned Book of the Day!

The Diary of Anne Frank was challenged in Michigan in 2013 for "pornographic" passages. 

I first read Anne's Diary at about 11 or 12. First in School and then on my own. I have since gone through four copies of the book. Either I lost them, gifted them or they where torn and tattered. Anne's story was extremely important for me because I felt awkward and bookish as a teenager and she was like me in some ways. She was a young person trying to make sense of the world she lived in. It was because of Anne that I kept, and still keep a journal. Also her diary is one of my favorite books to give away as a gift. The diary remains one of my dearest literary experiences and it's a book that is changed me and parts of it are stamped on my heart. 

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