Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Bookbabe Reviews.....Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass #2)

Sarah J. Maas is at it again; I am completely in awe of how she weaves
a tale. The Crown of Midnight is the second book in the Throne of
Glass series. As many of my followers know I read the first book
Throne of Glass last year and was blown away by it. Maas contiunes to
expand on Celanea's story and there are so many twist and turns that I
don't even know where to start. Well, the love story that emerges
between Celaena and Chaol is beautiful and sweet but it takes a
dramatic turn after the death of a beloved character. Though, I think
that they will get back together I do see that it will take a lot of
time. Also, finally Prince Dorian seems to be ready to let Celaena go;
but after discovering that he has magic (its been banned from the
realm for almost ten years) he mistakenly ends up confiding in her and
this only deepens their friendship. We finally get to meet the
memebers heading up the resistance against the King; however, they are
a scandalous and disgusting bunch. I was really taken a back by the
way things went down. It was unexpected to say the least. The fact
that more and more of Celaena's past is finally popping up means that
there is more and more danger up head in the next few books. We
finally find out who Celaena is thanks to Chaol's sudden interest in
finding out what she's hiding. Once he puts two and two together and
with the final scene between them we finally find out that Celaena
always knew who she was. Now Chaol has to decide where his loyalites
really lie. I can honestly say that this book was amazeballs. I have
never been so interested in a fanasty novel in my life. Celaena
continues to be the kick butt, strong female lead that a lot of us
have been looking for for a long time. I really not not wait to see
what happens in Heir of Fire.

Favorite Quote:
" I worry because I care. Gods help me, I know I shouldn't, but I do.
So I will always tell you to be careful, because I will always care
what happens" Chaol to Celaena.

Overall rating: 5 Stars


  1. I feel like I've heard of this series before. I'm going to look it up!

  2. It sounds a little bit "divergent" "hunger games" but with magic :/
