Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Bookbabe 2014 Wrap - Up!

As this year comes to a close a it dawns on me that a lot happened.  Personally I was thrown a few things that could have been considered heart breaking and that made me question my faith and my trust in people; but, I came out all the better for it. As far as the Bookbabe of Delaware is concerned so many things happened. I reached 1349 followers on Tumblr, had some shout outs of authors on twitter and started receiving books from some amazing publishing houses. Among them Kensington, Random House and Thomas Nelson; and independent publisher Poison Press. Only thing that I regret is that I did not read a many books as I really wanted to and my blogger account suffered because of it. In 2015, I will be ramping up my reading so that I can review as many books as possible. In 2014, I read several books that I really loved and started a few series that I can not wait to finish. Here is a list of my five favorite books that I read/reviewed this year and all of these reviews can be found on my goodreads profile (which will be linked below).

1) The Night Eternal by Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan; the conclusion to one of the best series I have ever read. I will say that I did find this book very predictable but  the ending was indeed very unexpected and very sad.

2) Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass #1) by Sarah J. Maas; oh my gosh, Celaena is one of the best female characters that I have read in sometime. She has her vulnerable side but she is one kick butt chic. Sarah J. Maas also is an amazing world builder. This book was all you could ask for in a fantasy adventure. It has it all from a tyrannical ruler, assassins, princes and princesses from far way lands etc. I would definitely read these in 2015 if I were you; if you don't you will really be missing out.

3) The Demonologist by Andew Pyper; one of the best thrillers/mysteries that I have ever read. Pyper's books are always surprising, fun and quick reads. This book also set my on an obsession with books about books. This is definitely a book I will be recommending to friends and family during the next year.

4) Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson; I found this beautiful gem in Barnes and Noble over the summer and since I wanted an Austen like read I decided to try it and I was not disappointed. It was a beautifully written "proper" romance that did not contain any sex. (Yes in romances that can be done.) I really hope that Ms. Donaldson writes another proper romance of this kind; I am definitely a fan of her work. 

5) Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare; this is the final book to the Infernal Devices series. It was so beautifully written and so wonderful. I was really happy with how everything was wrapped up for all of the characters. I also loved that we see to of the characters in this series cross over to the last book of the City of Heavenly Fire. 

You can follow me on Goodreads ---- > https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/1242730-nyeisha
You can also follow me on Facebook -----> www.facebook.com/thebookbabe84
You can follow me on Tumblr -----> thebookbabeblog84.tumblr.com

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