Friday, December 26, 2014

Tea + Books = Hot Date...Here are some of the teas that I love to drink while reading

We can all agree that tea and books just go hand and hand. I really love a great cup of tea while reading; in fact I have more than my fair share of tea mugs. (And honestly, if I bring anymore home I think my roommate with kill me). So here are a list of  top six teas that I love...attached with the name of a few books that I read while drinking them.

1) Blueberry Black Tea from The Spice and Tea Exchange (this one is pricey it starts at $5.49) - I drank this while reading Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices # 3) by Cassandra Clare and City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments #6) also by Cassandra Clare.

2) Berry Boutique Tea (an herbal tea) from The Spice and Tea Exchange (also prices at $5.49) - I drank this one a lot over ice this summer while finishing The Night Eternal by Chuck Hogan and Gulliermo Del Toro. This tea was a nice pairing to this vampire novel. 

3) Tazo Zen (a green tea); I usually pick this up from Target for about three of so dollars. (You can usually catch these on sale). This tea is by far one of my faves to sip on while reading and is my go to tea. I drank this rather heavily while reading Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson. It was an amazing pairing to this really light hearted romance.

4) Tazo Earl Grey (a black tea); this one of the strongest Earl Grey's I have ever had. I needed way to much sugar and honey with just a little lemon. Earl grey was an amazing pairing to Johannes Cabal the Necromancer by Jonathan Howard. That book was dark, moody and had a lot of dry British wit. I see me reading the rest of the series with this tea on the nightstand.

5) Cranberry Apple Tart from The Spice and Tea Exchange (this one is also priced at $5.49); it was one of those teas that I drank while reading Jesus wants to save the Christians by Rob Bell. This tea was just perfect and mellow and wonderful for fall (which is when I read this book). Its a nice tea to just sit back and sip and reflect on the beauty of your surroundings. 

6) Tazo Pumpkin Chai; the first time I saw these in store was just this summer/fall. I drank this one a lot while reading Throne of Glass by Sarah Maas. It was nice and spicy much like Celaena (the main character of the series).

You can purchase these teas at or

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