Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Bookish Resolutions for 2015!

Lets just say that I try not to make personal New Years resolutions anymore; mainly because they just never pan out but, I could not resist to make a few bookish ones for the up coming year. Let's see how many of these I can get through in 2015. Well here they are....

Resolution # 1) Finish these dang blasted series that I have started in the past few years. One such series is the Beautiful Creatures one by Kami Garcia/Margaret Stohl. I also have to finish Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas and catch up on the Lincoln Lawyer series by Michael Connelly. 

Resolution # 2) Read more classic books; this should be easy because I found several digital copies on Oyster and in ePub format that I can read on the go. Not to mention iTunes U also has most of the classics as audio books. Right now I am listening/reading Sense and Sensiblity this way. It makes it ten times easier to get through the book quickly. And its calming; I know some would consider this cheating but, not really because I am also reading the words from from the page. I am averaging about 5 or 6 chapters a night. 

Resolution # 3) Read as many books by my favorite authors as possible. I have a small collection of J.J. Murray books that definitely need reading (I added three to my growing collection of his books recently - I am pretty sure I own them all). I also have the two Cormoran Strike books by Robert Gailbraith aka J.K. Rowling to get to.

Resolution # 4) Spend more time writing. It is my goal in 2015 to simply write more; to really be more creative with the talent God has blessed me with.

Resolution # 5) I will NOT join any reading challenges; including the one from Goodreads. I always set myself up for failure. I want to be able to really enjoy books; and putting a time constraint on myself will not help me.

Resolution # 6)  I will promote the Bookbabe even more. I will sign up for blog tours. This will allow my followers to find out about new authors and will help increase traffic to the blog. I will also (hopefully) be able to open a Zazzle store front to help buy for the books and giveaways. 

 Well there they five Bookbabe Resolutions for 2015. What are yours? Feel free to share with me on Facebook ( or just comment below. 

1 comment:

  1. I prefer to call them goals myself....for me it's less of a set up and more attainable. My first goal is to get through Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series...I have just begun Book#4 Drums of Autumn....although her books are never less than 900 pages,,,this current book is 1040-something ,,it never FEELS like I'm reading a big book,you know? her words flow like water through a stream...yeah,,,I'm a better reader than I am writer LoL...I highly recommend these books and hope the size of them is not a turn off....Gabaldon,for me, is one of the best Storytellers I have ever read!!! Anybody can be an Author,but the ability to truly tell a story is a gift not many possess ! You read Outlander and I'll read whatever you tell me to,,,,challenge?
