I didn’t like it. There where. Lot of reasons why I didn’t like Fifty Shades Freed but the main one is that it just fell flat. And I mean it dead panned for me. There was the sex...and all that; which is great but a majority of the honeymoon and all the self discovery they have as a couple just didnt happen. And then Mia....I mean she was pretty much ignored; just a person in the background. It was down right annoying. The biggest no no for me. The hospital scene. It reminded me of why I disliked Ana in the end. And after reading Darker I can definitely say this movie just fell flat. It did nothing for me and I can definitely see why the movie got bad reviews. It lacked a good plot and it just seemed rushed and badly put together. I do plan to see it again with another group of women and we’ll see if my views change by then. But right now....I am just not a fan.
Best thing about the movie:

Jamie’s beard....♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️! Yummy.
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