Monday, September 22, 2014
What Fahrenheit 451 can teach us about protecting the Freadom to Read !
As a junior in highschool I was assigned Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and I can honestly say without a doubt that that book changed my view on what it means to be able to read what I want when I want. For those of you that have never read the book let me give you a little overview. Guy Montag (the main character) is a "fireman" who burns books. In Montag's society reading and independent thinking are discouraged and just the act of owning books can lead to imprisonment, scorn and your books being burned. It is custom in their society to watch lots of television and listen to their "seashell radio's". Does this sound familiar to anyone? When one reflects about the society in which Montag lives you can see the similarities to our current society. I think it is safe to say that Bradbury was way ahead of his time; the book was published in 1953. When you fast forward to 2014 the children of today are more interested in electronics then books and will spend more time mimicking celebrities than being themselves. In the book there is one scene in which an elderly woman; once she is caught with her books so refuses to leave them and opts to be burned alive. Of course, this is a little extreme but this lady did not want to live without access to knowledge. I can definitely identify with the old woman. I grew up in a family were reading was not the "in" thing to do. I was always the kid that was seen with a book in her hand and from age four until now I have never stopped yearning for knowledge. This yearning led me to college and graduate school and got caught up in a spirit of wanting to share what I love and know with others (and so the Bookbabe was born). So as someone that loves to read and has a healthy appetite for learning it boggles my mind that people would want to ban books. Especially books that are geared towards children. Books like The Diary of Anne Frank, The Wizard of Oz, Captain Underpants and the Harry Potter Series. When I read the challenges to these books I am always amazed by why there are challenged; and it always makes me wonder if the people that challenged the books ever really read them. A majority of the time (at least from what I have encountered from those dead set against Harry Potter or the Davinci Code) the answer is no, they haven't. So if you never read the book then how can you be against it. Honestly; Ray Bradbury gave us a real prophetic look at what the future would look like. Its rather sad and heart breaking; but, that does not mean that things have to stay this way. So book nerds here is your challenge (and you must accept it) reach out to friends and family and talk to them about these amazing books your reading. Give away copies of Fahrenheit 451. Talk about the importance of turning off the electronic devices for a few hours and getting comfy with a book. Suggest books you love and most importantly share your love for knowledge. Always, Always celebrate the freadom to read.
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