I must say I was a little surprised with the conclusion of this series. I loved The Strain (Book #1) and The Fall (Book #2) however this book left me wanting more. I was a little thrown by the fallen angel story line; and I really expected something every different. I didn't really see where it fit in. It almost seemed like the authors where just trying to find a neat and tidy way to wrap up the story line. Also, this book did not have the same "pace" as the others. This book was a little harder for me to get through and much easier for me to walk away from. I will say that I was happy in the wrap up of the story line for each character. Things seemed fitting and final and honestly we did not have to worry about any real lose ends. I was a little upset about the ending of Eph and Zack's story line. Mainly because I did not expect it to end in death. I hoped that they would have had a happier; if not heavily flawed ending. I expected to see them walk of into the sunset with the hopes of mending their relationship; however, I do understand the death ending. In a weird; very messed up way there was really could be no other way forward for these to characters. I will also say that Del Toro and Hogan still added to the complexity of each character. They gave you a reason to root for everyone; including the Master. I would definitely read another book by these two again.

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