Monday, April 29, 2013

Mortal Instruments vs. Twilight Saga (my opinion)

I have a funny feeling that someone will ask me this..."How does the Mortal Instruments series compare to the Twilight Saga?" (rolling my eyes thinking about this dumb ass question). If asked I would have to say it all comes down to writing style, pacing and plotting. Cassandra Clare's story line is much more developed and the story is much more interesting. There are strong female characters. By far best I have seen in a book in a Long time. Twilight is entirely over hyped...yes I read and own the books, yes I own some of the movies. But...I found Bella wimpy, boring and typical of most female lead characters I have read of in the past few years. (It does not help
that Kristen Stewart portrayed the poor girl in the movies...which added to my dislike of the character). While Clary is not perfect, she is likeable. She is not sitting in a room going nuts because the guy she loves has left her. Even though she is in love and hurting because she is missing Jace. She still pushes through her pain and does what must be done to keep those that she loves safe. It is fair to say that Clary has a sense of purpose while Bella does not (at least not until the last book). Also Mortal Instruments is much more of an action backed book. The drama in the book has a purpose...a real meaning. Its as simple as we have to do this and this to save the world and stop the demons from taking over earth vs we have to save Bella or Edward or keep their child a secret. I honestly feel like I wasted money, time and brain cells reading the Twilight Saga. Mainly do to a poor plot and really terrible writing!

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