Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Murder of King Tut by James Patterson (review)
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Review as posted on Goodreads:
I was very skeptical about this book because of the author and because I found it in the History section of a book store. I'm not saying that Mr. Patterson is not capable of writing non- fiction; I am just saying that this book is clearly a work of Historical fiction. I loved the interweaving of Tut's & Carter's life.... However Patterson's interruptions with his hunches about A murder plot made me want to skip ahead. Thank God they only lasted a few pages. Also whats with Chapter 99! Its like he (Patterson) dropped the ball by naming Tut's beloved wife a will participant in the plot to kill him. This was particularly nerve wrecking because Patterson had set the plot up in such a way to have the reader believe that Tut's Queen was faithful and loyal to him. Not to mention that she feared for her life as well as the well being of her country. She took steps that led one to believe that she was protecting herself and her nation from her husband's conspiring General & Scribe. I think he missed the mark on proving the wife as a conspirator. All and all I found the book very enjoyable and will definitely recommend it to friends.
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