I used think being a bookish nerd was bad. But the older I got I learned that my bookishness is a thing of beauty. Being bookish made me smarter; studies even prove that readers are smarter and kinder. Those who read are also more logical and analytical. I wouldn't change being smart for the world because honestly having a person say "I like the way you think" means more than "your cute" (in my humble opinion).
Monday, March 30, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
The Bookbabe Reviews: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
So finally, I have finished The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion and can I just say that I fell madly in love with the main character Professor Don Tillman right from the start. There were so many reaons why I feel like I was fated to love this book; chief among them is the main characters geek status. Don is what you would stereotypcially expect a genetics professor to be. He is clinical, a bit cold and odd. Don is also tired of being alone and enlisted his close friends in the "Wife Project". The project is doomed from the start and we get to follow Don a few dating adventures that leave him mortified and leaves us in tears laughing at their absurdity. As a means to shake things up Don's bestfriend Gene sets him up with Rosie; a smoker, that works in a gay bar and dressed "weird". Don sees her as unsuitable and is determined not to even consider her as wife material. Their first "date" starts off hilariously when Don gets in a fight with security and the maitre d' of the resturant over his lack of a proper dinner jacket. After this the relationship with Rosie just happens. Don enlists himself to help her find her biological father; this goes against his better judgement and he is also breaking a few universtity rules to help her out. The "Father Project" could end up causing Don a lot in the end but the rewards could also be so much greater. One of my favorite moments of the book happens close to the end; Don after a conversation with Gene and After returning home from New York comes to the conclusion that he is in love with Rosie. The revelation allows him to see that change and maybe letting go of some of his rigid ways might be the only way to really win the heart of the one he loves. I honestly enjoyed the book and can not wait to see what happens in Book 2: The Rosie Effect.
Rate: 4 Stars
Favorite Quotes:
"Time has been redefined. Previous time zones no longer apply. Alcohol is hearby declared mandatory in the Rosie Time Zone"
"Sixteen," I told him. "Second - highest score ever."
Gene looked at it. "Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Do I have to point out that you haven't had a baby recently?"
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Happy International Women's Day!!!
On this International Women's Day The Bookbabe would like to uplift every female author (both published and unpublished) who has been brave enough to give away a part of themselves in their writings!
Monday, March 2, 2015
The Bookbabe's First Impressions of...... The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
I originally decided to pick this book up after seeing Bill and Melinda Gates interview the author about the book. I usually would not have picked up a book that has a celebrity endorsment but all I kept thinking was if Bill Gates really loves this book than its most likely awesome. Oh boy oh boy is he right. The Rosie Project is hilarious and I am only four chapters in. I know that I am going to want to race out as soon as I am done to get the second novel, The Rosie Effect. So let me tell you why this book is so great. Simsions main character Professor Don Tillman is quiet a character; he is an over organized (if you really can be such a thing) man. He likes to be on time, schedules every minute of his day and is socially ackward. He is also so extremely loveable and as soon as he is introduced I immediately feel a connection to him. What I really love so far is that two of his friends are under the impression that Don suffers from Aspergers syndrome; which could explain some of his personality (or in some people's opinion lack there of). This little nugget of information I feel wlll come up again eventually in the book but for the time being Don sees nothing wrong with himself and neither do I. I honestly love this characters quirky personality. I have now entered into a place in the book where Don has decided that he is going to get married; because he is tired of being lonely. So he comes up with Project Wife. Which is a completely scientific endeavor; complete with a questionaire covering everything from drinking and smoking to punctuality. I can honestly say that I see why so many other people are raving about this book. I really can not wait to review it for you guys soon.
Favorite quotes so far:
"Asperger's isn't a fault. It's a variant. It's potentially a major advantage"
"Resturants are minefields for the socially inept"
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR. SEUSS!!!!Oh how exciting, today is the the day to scream Happy Birthday the Dr. Seuss way!!!